30. / by Erin Baynham

30 I'm sitting here at my computer, writing this blog post on my 30th birthday. To be honest, a year ago, I thought I had my road to 30 all mapped out. But now I'm questioning everything. My career, finances, long term goals. Please note: I'm deliriously, uncontrollably happy. But I've had a few revelations that are changing the way I see things in my life. Bare with me.

Broke on Purpose

I know credit cards are bad, but I have relied on them for quite some time now. I had some moments of weakness, so weak, in fact, that now I'm at a point where a good portion of my paychecks are paying off credit cards. And for what? I can't even tell you. To be honest, it was really depressing me. But wait, light's at the end of the tunnel! Today I took a look at my credit score and saw that it went up by 70 points! 70! Plus I received three credit limit increases on three credit cards. Things are looking up. Now I'm at a point where I'm focusing on clearing out this debt. I canceled several subscription services, (six to be exact) including Hello bar and MS Office. I'm keeping those $15/mo fees in my pocket and putting them on my debts. I have to thank Being Melody's Broke on Purpose series and My Fab Finance for the constant reminders.

Makeup is Getting Out of Hand

Over the last few weeks, I've used maybe 10ish makeup products and I'm totally pleased with the looks. Please note that I've been a makeup collector for years, and I have a pretty hefty collection. Then I began to think, should I consolidate my stash? Maybe my makeup room needs a transformation. This also makes me look at makeup a lot differently. I was watching the RHOA Reunion, and OMG...the drag makeup made me cringe. I know it's a TV show and there's a certain look they're going for, but my goodness. Brows were arched like crazy, under eye and cheekbone highlights were glistening, lashes were beyond dramatic. It was just TOO MUCH. So I got on Instagram and unfollowed 90% of the people that wear that dramatic look every day. I need a drag makeup detox. Which brings me to....


I can't even think about watching another cookie cutter, robotic, regurgitated Youtube video. Everyone is doing the same thing over and over again. People are talking the same, acting the same, everyone's makeup setups are looking the same (mine included).  It's hard to find people that are doing there own thing, instead of being heavily influenced with the popular videos. I still pick and choose videos to watch, but I just can't buy into the Youtube world the way that I used to.

Edit: I do generally still like Youtube! I forgot to say that I do still watch my YT favorites regularly. I watched them for over an hour today!  I just get bored when I see people doing the same stuff over and over again.

Free Time is Free Time

Since I started my side business, The Haute Blogger, every night and every weekend consisted of coding, editing, mockups and things like that. I felt like I brushed off my family and housework because I wanted to perfect my business. But I started to feel kind of depressed, because I was working my ass off constantly. My blog has been suffering ever since I started it. That's not how I want to live. So I decided to set 10 hours a week aside for work and Scandalous Beauty. I'm clocking in and setting goals.

Other than that, I'm cleaning more, eating healthier and wanting to live more simplistically. ADD brain is already a struggle, but adding all of the "stuff" in my life makes it even crazier. Out with the old, and in with the new.



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